Aravin Sivakumar

169 Coppard Avenue

I am a hardworking motivated individual that has a love for computer programming, biology, electronics, electrical design and fitness. I am soneone whom enjoys constantly being challanged as I am aware that regadless of what is the task at hand I will find a way to ensure it is always completed.


Full Stack Developer

Pick Up

Worked in the development and maintence of a fully functional web app using react.js, react.natove. Used bootstrap to optimize the front end process and hosted the app on horoku. In addition to all of these a fully functional andriod and iOS app is being worked on using flutter and firebase.

Please Feel Free To Vist The Fully Functional Site

April 2018 - Present

Customer Service Representative


Was responsible for handeling complex day-to-day transacions, maintaining great customer service and working as a first line of defense against fraud and money laudering.

June 2016 - September 2017

AR Tutoring


Founder of a tutoring company for high school and elementary school children primarily for the subjects of math and science. Organized and assigned different tutors to different students while also tutoring students myself.

July 2018 - August 2018


McMaster University

Bachelor of Engineering
Biomedical and Electrical Engineering

GPA: 3.70

September 2016 - Present

Town Center Private High Scools

GPA: 4.00

September 2012 - June 2016


YHacks 2017, Yale University

Developed an application for sentiment analysis of text using Node.JS and IBM Watson API Implemented version control to fix bugs and ensure a production-ready user interface Finalist for Mirium-J Walter Thomson challenge to analyze emotions

Anxiety Track
Personal Project, Jun 2018

A Java application using APACHE POI that could monitor and individual’s mental health Used a microcontroller, and signal amplifiers (self-designed) to measure heart rate A Java application was made to interpret the values and determine if the user suffers from stress anxiety or some form of mental disorder

Health First
Personal Project

A php app that takes inout fields such as that of weght, height and age to calculate the BMI of the individual and output possible ietary plans and excercise plans that are tailored to the indivduals body type to help them in attaining their respective health goals.

Facial Recognition App
Personal Project

An app that implements the Microsoft Azure facial recognition API, the API outputs facial features such as that of facial hair, percent of every emotion, gejnder of the individual and even age. Below is a screen capture of the app in action.


Programming Languages            Frameworks                   Design Tools
Python                                         Bootstrap                     Microsoft Office
C                                                    Git/GitHub                   AutoDesk Inventor
C++                                               GitHub Desktop           PSpice
Java                                              jQuery
Javascript                                   Andriod Studio


Besides working in hardware jin software my interests have taken me to a wide variety of diffeeent endeavours. Some which include playing varsity basketball, volleyball, being president of my schools DECA club and evn just working in general fitness.

In addition to all of the above interests I have a great underlieing desire for the tnhrill of competition and the excitement of creating my very own investment portfolio.

Awards & Certifications

  • Finalist at YHacks Hackathon
  • Top 15 in Ontario for DECA case study competition
  • Top digital banking prmoter for for Scotiabank for Bathurst And Lawrence Branch
  • Dean's list recepient at McMaster University for maintaing a GPA above 3.6